Image of SoundCheck Hero.

Ensure perfect translation of the key sound elements

Image of SoundCheck Story Solution Key Game Sound Elements Optimized.

SoundCheck for Unity

A real-time in-editor virtual monitoring simulation

SoundCheck is the first “virtual monitoring” system for Unity. It combines accurate gaming device speaker profiles and real-time processing to greatly improve your sound implementation workflow.

By incorporating SoundCheck into your workflow, you can quickly check how your mix will sound on other “virtual” band-limited systems to ensure a perfect sound translation. While implementing audio in your game, SoundCheck helps you decide how to master your sound for devices like mobile phones and tablets, flat panel televisions, laptops, multimedia speakers, etc.

Start using SoundCheck for Unity

And never worry again what your game is going to sound like!


$ 22 USD

One time payment, no hidden costs!

* Final price and currency depends on the store, your location, taxes, and international currency rates.

Here's a detailed customer review that shows exactly the value of SoundCheck

Indie game developer
Before using SoundCheck I thought I had done a pretty good job with the Audio of my game. Since I'm no sound expert, I was under the impression that if all sounds were adjusted to sound good on my PC, they'd be OK on my target mobile devices. At some point I discovered SoundCheck and purchased it, because it just made sense to do so... Although I was pretty certain that all audio in my game was OK, I wanted to make sure that I didn't miss something, so I just had to add this tool to my collection. As I was in the final testing stages of my game, I thought I'd give it a go. The results were unbelievable! The SFX for collecting coins "covered" almost completely the melody of the background music on Android phone, so only the tempo could be heard. Some other SFX were irritatingly loud on Android tablet. Some others could be hardly heard on Android phone. Huge sound differences between Android and iOS sound systems, etc, etc. I had to apply pitch and volume corrections to 6 out of 12 SFX. Now I'm pretty sure (not just thinking so) that all audio will be great in my game in all devices. Thank you SoundFellas!

The major issues with game audio translation

A multitude of platforms and playback scenarios for the same title

Gone are the old days that game developers had full control over the device that their game would be played on…

Image of SoundCheck Story Opportunity Old Videogames.

…with so many platforms arising and cloud gaming advancing by the day, you cannot be prepared for every device your game will be played on.

Image of SoundCheck Story Opportunity New Gaming Platforms.

Many different people affect on the game's final audio

Audio professionals often work in a controlled environment, unlike the rest of the team, resulting in re-works and ill-communication from level designers and worldbuilders…

Image of SoundCheck Story Opportunity Small Audio Workstation.

…this may lead to poor decisions as game designers, level builders and sound designers cannot be on the same page while collaborating real-time.

Image of SoundCheck Story Opportunity Team Working Together.

Checking sound is a tedious and difficult process for anybody

Especially in game development workflows, when level builders and game designers have to put together a lot of assets and test the gameplay at the same time.

Tweaking takes time

Building your project to test the sound for a specific target platform takes time, your most valuable resource. Sound testing for many target platforms becomes an impossible task. This crucial quality assurance process is frequently disregarded.

Limited access to hardware

Every team member should be able to listen to the game through all target devices. Even when it comes to resourceful studios, testing the sound in a wide variety of devices can be prohibitively expensive.

Critical listening is difficult

Even if you have access to ultra-fast building processes and endless hardware, nature is not your ally. Your brain cannot hold the detailed characteristics of sounds in order to compare them, for longer than a few seconds. Therefore, you cannot perform insightful and valid tweaks without instant comparison.

All these problems in the production lead into degradation of the player’s general experience. A common pitfall is mismatching between audio and visuals that can break immersion. Player also loses important sound cues, that either increases the game’s difficulty or makes it boring.

Long story short, your players feel like this

Image of SoundCheck Story Pitfall Player Feeling Bad Optimized.

Ensure perfect translation of the key sound elements

Image of SoundCheck Story Solution Key Game Sound Elements Optimized.
Make sure that the players hear all those beautiful sounds that you made for them, the way you designed them to be heard!

And your players will feel like this

Image of SoundCheck Story Pitfall Player Feeling Magical Optimized.

It's so easy!

Image of SoundCheck Surface Studio Mockup.

Import SoundCheck into Unity and insert it on the Master Mixer in the final Master Group that processes all of your project's sound output.


Select the category of devices that you would like to simulate their sound.


Select the device, make sure that the "Bypass" button is de-activated and that was it! Now you listen how your game will sound when played through that device. It's that simple!


If you like detail, you can also try activating the "Damping" function and select the amount of damping from the slider. Damping simulates attenuation of high frequencies due to several reasons. In a smart-phone it might be because the player's hands partially cover the speakers, in a living-room it can be because of heavy carpets and curtains. Play and listen.


You can switch the simulation on-off with the "Bypass" button, alternating between hearing the simulation and your original sound.


Now you can start editing your game, implementing audio, editing agent behaviors or building levels. Tweak your game's sound with precision for the desired target device. You are in control!

Key features

Platforms galore

Choose from an increasing number of accurately measured and simulated gaming devices.

Image of SoundCheck Story Key Feature Platforms Galore.


Switch instantly between simulations or bypass SoundCheck altogether to compare original and desired device.

Image of SoundCheck Story Key Feature Real Time.

Damping factor

Simulate the loss of high frequency content in various scenarios, depending on the environment and the use of the device.

Image of SoundCheck Story Key Feature Damping Factor.

Dark and light skins

Whatever version of Unity you are using, SoundCheck will adapt its skin to ease your eyes.

Image of SoundCheck Story Key Feature Dual Skin.

Start using SoundCheck

And never worry again what your game is going to sound like!


$ 22 USD

One time payment, no hidden costs!

* Final price and currency depends on the store, your location, taxes, and international currency rates.

Frequently asked questions

Well, you could, but this is an archaic approach on game sound critical listening. You see, first of all listening for details needs instant switching between listening scenarios, because our hearing adapts and forgets very fast. With SoundCheck for Unity, you can A/B/C listen between different device simulation without any gap in between and on the same time editing your game’s levels and tweaking your audio source settings. It doesn’t get faster and easier than this.

No, SoundCheck is for everybody. In fact we made it simple enough that anybody with no special knowledge in audio production can quickly use it to check their game’s sound.

Anybody that designs or develops parts of a game that also contain sound can use SoundCheck. Some examples are:

  • Level editors move objects that include sound sources around.
  • Game designers direct the experience of the player through the story path.
  • Animators working on cut-scenes or scripted visual sequences.
  • Worldbuilders create complete levels and vast terrains or dungeons with objects that include sound sources.

All those people and many more need a way to hear how their decisions will translate in different platforms and devices as they work through the game creation process.

This is a misunderstanding. Your audio expert’s duty is to provide sounds that abide with the aesthetics of your game, in an optimized way, implemented together with the rest of your game, to serve your storytelling and design intent.

Even they struggle with the way that different device speakers will translate their sound.

Furthermore, they usually don’t posses the real-time environment to check exactly how the final game experience will sound or the ability to be able to build the game in multiple platforms and test in real-time their sound design through critical listening.

SoundCheck is a great tool for them too!

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