Third-Party Credits

The SoundFellas credits for third-parties.

[icon name="info-circle" prefix="fal"] Info
This legal agreement regards the official website of SoundFellas (a subdivision of MediaFlake Ltd), with the domain name ( and its sub-domains, and all other affiliated or social channels and distribution networks.

[icon name="check-circle" prefix="fal"] Success
We would like to thank the artists that provided any third-party media that we use on our channels, websites, imagery, and general material.

Unsplash and Behance

We are grateful for the hard work and talent from the people listed below, as their public domain contributions help us deliver meaningful messages through stunning photos and visuals. We use imagery from the communities of the Unsplash and Behance platforms in our website blog posts, our presentations and lectures, and our product visuals. From our hearts, thank you all for your generous and artistic contribution to the world.
1920, Adrien Olichon, Agustinus Nathaniel, Alex Estes, Alex Haney, Alexander Andrews, Alexander Schimmeck, Anastase Maragos, Anastasia Dulgier, Anastasiia Boivka, Andre Hunter, Andreeew Hoang, André, Robillard, Andy Kelly, Annie Spratt, Anonymous, Anthony Brolin, Anthony Delanoix, Arseny Togulev, Ashe Walker, Avel Chuklanov, Bas van Breukelen, Becca Tapert, Ben Neale, Benjamin Child, Bernard Hermant, Braden Jarvis, Brandi Ibrao, Brandon Morgan, Brendan Miranda, Breno Machado, CC0, Campaign Creators, Carissa Rogers, Carl Raw, Charles, Charles Deluvio, Chromatograph, Chuttersnap, Claudia Soraya, Claudio Testa, Clinton Naik, Crystal Kwok, Daniel Jacobs, David Martin, David Moum, Derek Thomson, Devon Rogers, Dwayne Hills, Ekrulila, Femke Ongena, Filip Mroz, Forrest Moreland, Francesca Tosolini, Franck V, Frantzou Fleurine, Freestocks Org, Fritz Bielmeier, Gabriel Barletta, Gert Boers, Glenn Carstens-Peters, Guilherme Stecanella, Hafidh Satyanto, Hannah Wright, Hector, Argüello Canals, Helena Lopes, Helloquence, Henry & Co, Hike Shaw, Hugues Adamo, Hung Tran, Ingo Schulz, Inma Lesielle, Jacek Sniecikowski, Jack Daniel Ocampo Palacios, Jake Hills, James Owen, James, Sutton, Jamie Street, Jane Palash, Jaron Nix, Jason Strull, No Revisions, Javier Grixo, Jeff Sheldon, Jefferson Santos, Jelleke Vanooteghem, Jeremy Perkins,, Jessica Furtney, Joel Muniz, Johannes Plenio, John Sting, Jon Tyson, Jonatan Pie, Josh Hild, Josh Sorenson, Joshua Sortino, Julian Lozano, Julien Amoudruz, Kai Brune, Kalen Emsley, Kelly Sikkema, Kelvyn Ornettte Sol Marte, Kim, Daniel, Krists Luhaers, Krzysztof Kowalik, Kyle Nieber, Layne Lawson, Lisa Zoe, Lorenzo Herrera, Louis Reed, Luana Azevedo, Lucas Myers, Lucrezia Carnelos, Ludomił, Luis Salazar, Madison Yocum, Magnus Jonasson, Maid Milinkic, Malte Wingen, Manuel Polo, Marc Szeglat, Marc-Olivier Jodoin, Marcus Clark, Marcus Lenk, Maria Fernanda Gonzalez, Mark Cruz, Markus Spiske, Martin Sepion, Marvin Meyer, Matias Islas, Matt Jones, Matteo Galeazzi, Matthew Smith, Max LaRochelle, Maxim Melnikov, Maxime Lebrun, Megan Thomas, Meriç Dağlı, Michael D Beckwith, Mika Baumeister, Mike Benna, Mike Wilson, Mohammad Saifullah, MontyLov, Moritz Mentges, My name is Yanick, NASA, Neven Krcmarek, Nick Tong, Niilo Isotalo, Nikolas Behrendt, Owen Beard, Oğuzhan Akdoğan, Pablo Fierro, Patrick Hendry, Paul Esch-Laurent, Pete Pedroza, Peter John Maridable, Pink metal equipment by Taylor Vick, Piotr Chrobot, R H Lee, Rawpixel, Rebecca Oliver, Reza Tahvili, Ridham Nagralawala, Rob Sarmiento, Robert, Lukeman, Robin Sommer, Ron Hamlin, Rucksack Magazine, Ruffa Jane Reyes, Ryan Schram, Sean Do, Sean McAuliffe, Seika I, Serge Kutuzov, Sergei Akulich, Sergei Wingman, Simon Boxus, Simon Rae, Stefan Kunze, Stem List, Stephen, Dawson, Steve Halama, Sudarshan Bhat, Sushobhan Badhai, Tanner Boriack, Taton Moïse, Tom Grimbert, Tom Pijnappel, Tom Strecker, Uriel Soberanes, Valeriy Khan, Victor, Victoriano Izquierdo, Wil Stewart, William Daigneault, Wolfgang Hasselmann, Yining Liu, Zoltan Tasi, bady qb, elvia chanita yuwono, gdtography, iam Se7en, tian kuan, v2osk, Cuneyt Rıza Celik.


[icon name="pen-square" prefix="fal"] Note
If you have any questions or remarks regarding this agreement or other legal-related subjects, please contact us.