SoundFellas Blog | Category: Film Sound

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If you missed it, it's now available online. In this ask-me-anything video session, our founder and lead designer, Pan Athen, answers everything you need to know about soundscape design for games, film, storytelling, the metaverse,
Learn what diegetic and non-diegetic is and the rest of the virtual soundscape diegesis layers, and how to classify you sound sources depending on the narrative (or diegesis), to create vivid transitions and your own

Create Worlds With Sound

Design • Perform • Render

A screenshot of Echotopia's scene editor showing a digital painting of a huge fantasy monster that becomes a cave used as a scene's map. On top of it there are various audio layers that overlap and can be used to export any position for later use in projects and simple audio players, or the user can directly enter Echotopia's live mode to perform the storytelling in real-time.

Next-Gen Sound Libraries

Ambience Kits • Sound Effects • Crazy Shit